Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Regional Infrastructure Company For Highways, Roads, Bridges and Tunnels SRL

General aspects regarding the use of cookies by this website

Our website uses cookies under the control and operation of the Regional Infrastructure Company For Highways, Roads, Bridges and Tunnels SRL with registered office in Piata Charles de Gaulle nr. 16, Sector 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Registry Office under no. J40/3870/2015, VAT number RO 34304829.

The information presented below aims to inform the user about the placement, use, management, and deactivation of the cookies used by the website

If you need more information, and it is not found below, you can contact us through the "Contact" section of the website.

Please read the following information carefully.

Purpose of using cookies by the website

This Site uses cookies for the following reasons: (i) to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each, (ii) to generate statistics about site traffic.

Definition of "cookies" on the Site.

The site uses HTTPS cookies. An HTTPS cookie or a cookie module is a special text, often encoded, sent from a web server to a web browser and then sent back (unmodified) by the web browser, each time it accesses that server. A website using HTTPS has cookies that prevent their transmission to a non-HTTPS page even if it is located at the same URL. An HTTPS cookie is not accessible through non-http means/methods (which includes HTTPS), such as JavaScript not being able to be targeted by cross-site scripting attacks. A cookie is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, which will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal, or other equipment of a user accessing the Site.

The cookie is completely "passive" does not contain software programs, viruses, or spyware and cannot access the information on the user's hard drive. A cookie consists of two parts: the name and its content or value. Furthermore, the existence of a cookie is determined; technically, only the webserver that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with that webserver.

Cookies on this site itself do not request personal information to be used and do not provide access to personal data.

The role of cookies on the Site

Within our Site, HTTPS cookies play an important role in facilitating access and delivery of the services that the user enjoys, such as: (i) providing feedback on how the Site is used so that it can be made even more efficient and accessible to users; (ii) feedback consists of anonymized statistical data (without allowing individualization of the user). (iii) information about traffic on this site: the type of browser used, the time spent on the site, the number of pages accessed, data about the user's internet provider (name, country, and county/region).

How cookies are used by this Site?

A visit to this site ( may place the following types of cookies: (i) Analytics cookies (_ga and _gat); (ii) Video cookies (PREF)

Analytics cookies

The site ( implements a Google Analytics solution to collect information about site traffic. Every time a user visits this site, the Google Analytics software generates analytics cookies. The browser will tell us if you have these cookies, and if not, they will be generated. These cookies are not used by the site ( to identify individuals, they are only used for statistical purposes. Specific information, such as IP address, is not stored.

Based on these cookies, the following information can be collected: (i) Type of browser used and information about the user's internet provider (ISP) such as name, country, and county. No data is collected/accessed about the user's terminal IP address. (ii) Site performance, (iii) Which pages were accessed, (iv) Time spent on a page or multiple pages

Analytics cookies are called "_ga and _gat". The _ga and _gat cookies are created and used by the Google Analytics JavaScript library. Upon first accessing the website, the Google Analytics JavaScript library creates these cookies with unique random values that represent client ID. This Client ID is subsequently used by the Google Analytics server to identify a unique user.

Video cookies

The video cookie is used to store video preferences (volume, text size).

These cookies are used to improve the user experience with video materials, so that if a video is interrupted, you can resume the video from the interruption point.

More information can be found here.